Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted!

Granny's been caught up in a flurry of video-making for YouTube, live shows and benefits!  I wish I had time to do some more pinup photos, but my schedule this summer and early fall has also made that impossible.

So keep watching my YouTube channel this fall!  In September, the theme was "green" stripping -- burlesque you can do with materials you can find around your own house.  This month, October, my favorite month, it's "burlesque-grotesque" -- all the dark, goth, scary stuff I secretly love to do. 

I've received a lot of requests over the past months, so you'll start to see some special dedication videos go live in November.  Among them:  sheer nylon panty washing (while I'm wearing them!) and cake-sitting, part 2!  If you made a request or would like to make one, drop me a note on my YouTube channel.  If I use your idea I'll dedicate the video to you, plus I'll send it to you privately weeks or months before it goes live on my channel.

I hope you're having a lovely fall, or a lovely spring, depending on which side of the Equator you live! 

And France!  Ladies!  I love you!  47% of my viewers in France this last month indicate they are female!  That's my highest female to male viewership anywhere in the world!  Merci beaucoup et bisous, mes belles!


  1. i love your YouTubeGrannyPantyBurlesque's Channel and especially the video of your video Granny Panty Models Granny Panties. i hope you get a good giggle out of watching me male-model Granny Panties on my YouTube Mister Panty Buns' Channel. i'll subscribe to your blog now too.

  2. Dear Mr. Panty Buns -- I loved your videos! It's so nice to meet a fellow panty aficianado, and you have a lovely vintage collection yourself! Plus, you have a cute bum! ;)
